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Patriotic Pork: Give Me That Old-Time Corruption

From the Chicago Tribune: How Hastert benefited from sale: Planned highway could sweeten asset near Plano (Chicago Tribune).

Excerpt:…a real estate transaction in Kendall County last December left House Speaker Dennis Hastert with a seven-figure profit and in prime position to reap further benefits as the exurban region west of Chicago continues its prairie-fire growth boosted by a Hastert-backed federally funded proposed highway…

Now this is the kind of political corruption we like here at

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Air Heads: The Win-Win Wars of Bushist Fantasy

Airstrikes Rise In Afghanistan as Fighting Intensifies (Washington Post)

Excerpts: As fighting in Afghanistan has intensified over the past three months, the U.S. military has conducted 340 airstrikes there, more than twice the 160 carried out in the much higher-profile war in Iraq, according to data from the Central Command, the U.S. military headquarters for the Middle East.

The airstrikes appear to have increased in recent days as the United States and its allies
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Everybody Knows: Storms of Horror in a Tormented Land

The last few weeks have seen disastrous news breaking over the Bush administration, like Katrina come again. This time, though, it’s not hurricane winds and surging seas, but waves of innocent blood overtopping the banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates to turn the White House crimson. Report after report of horrific atrocities — long held back by a levee of lies, fear, obfuscation and the natural confusion of war — has broken through, flooding the imperial capital with the reeking, corpse-filled backwash of the vast criminal folly committed by its grubby little Caesar.

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Un-Conventional Thinking: The Pentagon Honors Torture Awareness Month

This month is Torture Awareness Month, as Jonathan Schwarz usefully reminds us here. (Schwarz, by the way, has been absolutely ablaze with sardonic fire lately. His takedown of Glenn Reynold’s idiotic justification for future civil war in America is an unsurpassed gem of the blogging art. Read it, and experience that unique state induced by a dose of Schwarzprose: hilarious high dudgeon.)

Naturally, the Pentagon has marked this worthy occasion by – what else?
– eviscerating international

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Goobers on Parade: Fake Christians and Sham Southerners

From the Dallas Morning News: GOP buttons on their shirts and faith on their sleeves. Excerpt:

SAN ANTONIO – Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell offered a greeting to delegates to the Republican convention. "It’s great to be back in the holy land," the Fort Worth native said to the cheers of the party faithful.For the 4,500 delegates at last week’s biennial gathering, it was both an expression of conservative philosophy and religious faith, a melding of church and state.
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Return to Ishaqi: The Pentagon’s Shaky Self-Exoneration

*This piece has been extensively revised since its original posting, with the latest material added on June 4.*

It seems that the Pentagon, that veritable fount of veracity, has probed itself for the alleged execution-style slaying of civilians in the village of Abu Sifa in the region of Ishaqi, and found that the operation — which left 11 civilians dead, including five children under the age of five — was in fact an exemplary feat of arms, strictly by the book.

Everything happened pretty much the way

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Annals of Liberation: A New Hitler Rising

Iraqi PM Accuses U.S. of ‘Daily’ Attacks Against Civilians (NYT). Excerpt:

Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki lashed out at the American military on Thursday, denouncing what he characterized as habitual attacks by troops against Iraqi civilians…In his comments, Mr. Maliki said violence against civilians had become a "daily phenomenon" by many troops in the American-led coalition who "do not respect the Iraqi people."

"They crush them with their vehicles and kill them just on suspicion," he
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Ishaqi (Isahaqi – Abu Sifa) – Death in the Desert – The Children of Abraham

See Flash Movie on Ishaqi (Abu Sifa) here. There is also an Image Gallery available here. *WARNING* Some images in the Flash presentation and image gallery may be uncomfortable and inappropriate viewing for faint of heart and young children. Latest BBC report on Ishaqi{playerflv}|230|150|#000000|false{/playerflv} by Chris Floyd What happened in the village of Abu Sifa, in the rural Al Ishaqi district north of Baghdad, on the Ides of March? The murk of war – the natural blur of unbuckled event, and its artificial augmentation by professional massagers – shrouds the details of the actual operation. But here is what we

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High Water Everywhere

A raft of excellent stories out there recently — all of them bad news for the health of America’s constitutional republic. Each is worthy of further explication, but with pressing deadlines elsewhere, we’ll have to be content with a quick round-up. But give them all a good read — if you’ve got the stomach for more punishment. These days, we all need a set of iron guts to digest the rancid feast served by the Bush Regime every hour on the hour.

Oh Mercy<br

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