Karl Rove’s Blood Libel
From CNN/AP: Rove Blasts Warrantless Wiretapping Decision.
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From CNN/AP: Rove Blasts Warrantless Wiretapping Decision.
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Oh my god, the right-wing nutballs predicting apocalypse this week were absolutely right after all! (Say on, brother! Lord have mercy! Fire and brimstone! Ghost riders in the sky!) The planet WAS destroyed, in one great, all-obliterating, unexpected blow!
True, the planet was Pluto — stripped of its rank in the solar system today by the International Astronomical Union — and
Bob Herbert, man on fire, one of the fiercest voices of dissent in the mainstream media, gives us the lowdown on the “voodoo law enforcement” that the Bush Regime’s carefully calculated fearmongering has set loose upon the land: The Truth Puts You in Jail. (via The Progressive American.)
Herbert tells the story of the coerced confession of a “terror suspect” who only escaped the permanent oblivion of Bush’s Terror War gulag by a fortuitous twist of fate that blew his captor’s false case out
For years — years — we have bashed and banged and clanged the bell on this theme over and over here at Empire Burlesque, and in the Moscow Times, and CounterPunch and anywhere else they’d let us come in with the hammer: George W. Bush and his minions are committing crimes — actual crimes, clear-cut violations of American and international law, genuine offenses in the most literal sense, not just metaphorical transgressions against some moral law or political ideal. They are criminals
And now our roving correspondent, D.H. Lawrence, limns the essence of modern warfare in this report from August 18, 1914 (via the Guardian): With the guns in the war of machines.
My first piece for Truthout.org is out today. You can find it here: Letter From Airstrip One: Fear Over Facts.
The whole piece is at TO — get on over there and show them some love — but here’s an excerpt:
Federal Judge Orders End to Warrantless Wiretapping (NYT)
District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor found that President Bush exceeded his proper authority and that the eavesdropping without warrants violated the First and Fourth Amendment protections of free speech and privacy.
“It was never the intent of the
It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it: it’s time to take up the cudgels for the poor neo-cons.
Day after day, these dedicated public intellectuals and hardworking federal officials are calumnied from coast to coast, accused of every crime under the sun. Who misled us into the bloodsoaked mire of Iraq? Who’s pulling strings to foment a new war with Iran? Who’s fanning the flames of Israel’s assault on Lebanon, hoping to turn the entire Middle East into an arc of "creative destruction" that will transform the
Here’s an excellent analysis on how to transform Bush v. Gore from the most shameful Supreme Court decision since the Dred Scott case into a powerful weapon for a broader, deeper, more healthy democracy. The argument, by Adam Cohen, is calm, cogent, considered and full of eminent good sense that any reasonable person could agree with wholeheartedly. So, any chance of it being adopted by the American Establishment?
From the New York