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From Pakistan to the Potomac: The Terror Warriors’ Enduring Victory

Our frozen friend, Winter Patriot, is on fire this week, weighing in on, among other things, the state of emergency now being mootedand denied — in Pakistan.  WP has been covering the seething cauldron in this pivotal nation more thoroughly than almost anyone else in the blogosphere, and brings his in-depth knowledge to the latest tremor in Pakistan’s quaking political landscape.

He takes special note of the powerful, well-placed extremist elements emerging from the

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Masters of Disaster: The Bush Gang Opens the Floodgates Again

At first glance, the Washington Post story seems to be a rather routine piece about a turf war between state officials and the federal government over disaster planning. But upon closer examination, it turns out to be a doorway into the dark, fetid heart of the Bush Regime’s hell. As the Post’s Spencer Hsu reports:

A decision by the Bush administration to rewrite in secret the nation’s emergency response blueprint has angered state and local emergency officials, who
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Money Been On Me Blues: Once More With the Hat

Money been on me all my life
Left my children hungry, withered my wife
Kept me strapped to a grindin stone
Money oh money won’t leave me alone

Sorry to be so crass, but due to the completely inexplicable fact that no well-heeled news outfit has picked up the prose stylings of your correspondent following not one but two ash-cannings in the last 12 months, we are still

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The Rewards of Rape: Rich Bounty for a Bush Partner in Torture

Our text for today is from the Guardian: Freed doctor describes torture ordeal inside Libyan jail.

The Palestinian doctor who was held in Libyan custody along with five Bulgarian nurses on charges they infected hundreds of children with HIV, has described in detail how they were tortured during their eight-year ordeal. Ashraf Alhajouj, 38, said he was beaten, held in cages with police dogs and given electric shocks, including to his private parts. He said that he and the nurses were sometimes put together naked in
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Nightmare on Main Street: More on Bush’s Anti-Dissent Order

I think we are in rats’ alley
Where the dead men lost their bones

We wrote recently here of Bush’s new executive order granting himself and his minions the arbitrary power to seize the entire assets of any American citizen – without warning, without any criminal charges whatsoever – solely by declaring that their victim somehow poses an unspecified threat to “the peace or stability of Iraq” or else is “undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction

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Good News is No News: Profitable Ignorance of Extremist Recantations

An important development has been taking place in the real “war” on terror — not the profit-making, fear-and-domination machine of the Bush Administration’s devising, but the genuine struggle to quell the violence of Islamist extremism. Yet despite the great potential of this breakthrough, an overwhelming majority of Americans have never heard of it. Certainly it has not been featured — or even mentioned — by the corporate press and government PR engines in the United States. And why not? Because it is a breakthrough toward peace — and peace, as we all know, is not boffo box

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Future Shock: A Deadly Harbinger of Post-Surge Iraq

From AP, July 21:
Aircraft fired missiles and dropped a bomb in a Shiite stronghold in northeastern Baghdad, killing six militants, the U.S. military said Saturday. Iraqi officials claimed a higher death toll, saying 18 civilians were killed.

The Husseiniyah airstrikes began after American forces came under small-arms fire from a building just before midnight, prompting helicopters to fire missiles at the structure, the military said, adding that three of the gunmen fled into another building.Aircraft dropped a bomb that destroyed that
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A View From the Bridge: Edsel Floyd Honored in Watertown

On July 22, the State of Tennessee will honor one of its most distinguished citizens in a ceremony inaugurating the Edsel Cordell Floyd Bridge in Watertown. The bridge, which spans Round Lick Creek, is part of Highway 70, the two-lane road that threads the center of the state from the mountains of East Tennessee through the rolling hills of Middle Tennessee to the flatlands of Memphis and the Mississippi River.<br

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Bringing It All Back Home: New Bush Order Could Criminalize Dissent

Here’s a quick follow-up to the previous post: The Legal Pervert’s Parade: Executive Privilege Über Alles.

Sara Robinson at Orcinus gives us a glimpse of what could be coming as the unrestrained executive tyranny rolls on in Are We There Yet? She examines the new Executive Order quietly signed by Bush this week, in which he bestows upon himself — and designated minions — the arbitrary power to seize the assets of anyone whom he decides “poses a significant risk” of commiting violence aimed at

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